Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Blast From The Past


During countdown, "I Never Told You" that I Love You but when we apart, I felt that "I Can't Go On" missing you so crazily. I wish that I can say something sweet to you "Like I Love You". Everyday when I sleep, I often "Dream" about you and your lovely smile that lighten up my life. "Without Your Love", my life would be lifeless and my heart shall be full of sorrow. Since January 10th until now, you already be "My Girl" for almost 3 months. I'm happy that we been together for so long. I promise from the first day that no matter what happen, "I Still Love You". I want you to be "With Me" for eternity. When I'm down, "I Need You" by my side and comfort me. It gives me comfort and protection. I really wish that I will "Never Say Goodbye" to our Love as the flame of our relationship shall last forever and ever.

Lee Yien, I Love You.



Ah, remember this poem? It's been a while since I last read it. I don't know that I'm able to write this kind of poem down. Hehe.

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